March 2013 Adult/Child "Over the Rainbow" Vision Book Art Workshop
Peggy & Hannah (8yo), Josie (10yo) & Joan, Evan (10yo) & Amber
March 2013 "Over the Rainbow" Vision Book Art Workshop
Nancy, Sally, Cathy, Diane, Jennifer & Beverly
Happy Creative Vision Book Adventurers and their creations.
A rainbow over a pot of gold was given to each Vision Booker to envision their dreams and desires.
March 2013 Private Family Vision Book Art Workshop
Rob, James, 10, Oliver, 6, Kathy, Jonathan, 14 & Kim

This family of 5 with their BFF (like an Aunt) totally embraced the Vision Booking journey.
Kim, the mom, surprised her family and BFF with a gift of this private family workshop.
She began the workshop with "Her Vision" of what she wanted the family to experience.
She brought special interest magazines, family photos and images she knew her family would love.
Oliver, 6 years of age, enthusiastically shared, "Oh gosh! This is so fun! I love my book!"
And, towards the end of the workshop
I have everyone pass their books around to enjoy the creations of others.
Oliver anxiously awaiting says, "I really want to share...when do we get to share?!"
When the 3 hour workshop was over, Jonathan, 14 years of age, says,
"I wish my homework would go this fast...I'm going to do a page a day!"
FUN and CREATIVITY was had by all!
February 2013 "Love Yourself" Vision Book Art Workshop
January 2013 Adult/Child "New Year" Vision Book Art Workshop
The first Adult/Child Vision Book Art Workshop was a FUN success!
There were 3 adult-child pairs that attended...
two aunts with their nieces (ages 8 and 10) and a Big Sister-Little Sister (age 9) from
There was lots of laughter, creativity, conversation, and ease amongst the Vision Bookers (big and small).
They all left with many vision book pages created and a new appreciation for the Vision Book Journey.
Mary & Abby, Ali & Liliana and Leslie & Hannah
Hannah (10), Abby (8) and Liliana (9)
with their Vision Books.
January 2013 "New Year" Vision Book Art Workshop
December 2012 Vision Book Art Workshop
Sally, Heather, Heidi and Nancy
November 2012 Vision Book Art Workshop
October 2012 Vision Book Art Workshop
Melissa, Heather, Heidi, Maria and Sally
August 2012 Vision Book Art Workshop
Diane, Dolores, Michelle, Mary, Kate and Kiera
It was another amazingly creative and fun Vision Book Art Workshop! Six women gathered at Vision Art Studio to enjoy an afternoon of chatting, munching, dreaming, and creating their own personal and unique Vision Books. Some had been to these workshops before and others were experiencing it for the first time

The Vision Art Studio was filled to the brim with colorful papers, magazine pictures, positive words and sayings, jewels, stickers, feathers, stamp pads, and more. After some basic instruction on how to prep their books, Diane, Dolores, Michelle, Mary, Kate and Kiera were off on their creative Vision Book journeys. They enjoyed exploring all the art materials and perusing the hundreds of images and words available.
As time passed, their pages came to life and there were a lot of "aha" moments and ooing and ahhing. Creativity abounded as each woman was inspired from within, and from others around them. Some of their pages were visions of dreams to come, while others were groups of images that were just fun and playful.
During the workshop the women were heard saying, "I feel so creative!" "I just find this so relaxing." "I love playing with all these art makes me happy!" and "I'm so glad I came..."
And, I am so glad these six super creative, intelligent, funny, supportive and wonderful women came to this Vision Book Art Workshop!
June 2012 Vision Book Art Workshop
Diane, Mary, Toni, Sally, Maria and Peg
Not only was it close to 100 degrees outside during my Vision Book Art Workshop at Bean Up The Nose Art Studio in San was also "cookin" inside. Six fun, savvy, intelligent, creative and diverse women gathered together to cook up some beautifully altered book pages. Some continued their vision book journey and others were new to the process and jumped right in. There was a large table covered with books, stamp pads, stickers, markers, scissors, glue, jewels, colorful papers, feathers, pom poms, magazine images, inspiring words, and more. Once they were shown how to prep their books and some fun altered book techniques, they began to create magical pages filled with their desires, hopes and dreams...and some pages were just plain FUN!The day brought lots of smiles, laughter and comments about the relaxing nature of the vision book process and the releasing, renewing and realization of each woman's creativity.
And a big Vision Book THANK YOU to Tamara Holland, Mixed Media Artist Extraordinaire, for the use of her Bean Up The Nose Art Studio.
March 2012 Vision Book Art Workshop
Liz, Maria, Cathy, Sally, Diane, Tamara & Willow
Seven amazing women gathered together at Bean Up The Nose Art Studio on a Saturday afternoon to create and connect in my Vision Book Workshop.
Each woman was given a book to alter. The table was filled with art materials – stamp pads, pictures from magazines, words, feathers, colorful papers, rubber stamps, scissors, glue, jewels, markers, pastels, and more. As I gave instruction on how to prep their vision books and some collage techniques, I could feel their excitement to start their Vision Book journey…
Conversations were animated as they created their Vision Books. They drank coffee and munched on cookies and brownies. Cathy was making 2 Vision Books simultaneously! She had brought along photographs of her family and was creating a book for her mom too. She would switch back and forth between books discovering new techniques, and was heard saying, “This is so fun, I could do this every month!"
After only a few hours each book was transformed into a piece of art!
They all left with several pages of their Vision Book completed, a goodie bag of supplies, and many inspirations from each other to continue their Vision Book journey...
Many thanks to Tamara Holland for the use of her amazingly wonderful studio space and to all the wonderful women who participated.
Tamara and Marilyn
Asia remembering all the
FUN Vision Book Art Workshops