"This is one of the best days I've ever had!"
- Abby, age 8
Abby celebrating her 8th birthday with her Aunt at an
Adult/Child Vision Book Art Workshop
I really enjoyed the workshop on Saturday and meeting you. It was a most enjoyable way to spend and afternoon, and I discovered creativity that I didn't think I had! I'm looking forward to the eight week online course and to attending future workshops - soon! - Jennifer Walter
"What a delightful and relaxing afternoon. Marilyn made it easy for us to enjoy creating altered books in our own style. There are no rights or wrongs here; just fun and creativity. The time just flew by, and at the end we were all excited about the process and wanting more." - Diane Fischler

"You certainly are THE fun master! I really appreciated how you had everything ready for us....even cutting out images and words so that we could get right down to the fun work of creating our books! Thank you so much. I will definitely attend your next one!" - Cathy Curtis,
Curtis Financial Planning
"Marilyn's Vision Book workshop was so fun and relaxing. She brought out the creative spirit in all of us. Marilyn took the time and care to prepare so all we had to do was walk in, sit down and start having fun. She welcomed us with tea and homemade goodies, talked to us about her theory of Vision Booking and then set us free with magazine clippings, sparkles, feathers, glue and so much more. It was an afternoon filled with friendship, fun and creativity that resulted in a beautiful book and fond memories to take home and enjoy." - Sally Kuhlman,
Sally Around the Bay

"Definitely let me know when you're having another, or any other altered book or collage workshop. It's been way too long since I enjoyed myself in that way. I'm so impressed with how much you put into the workshop. All that cutting, gathering supplies, and kind facilitating -- commenting on and complimenting our works in progress. You're a treasure. What a great group of women, too!"

Thank you so much for today, Marilyn! I hope I've conveyed to you how much I value your friendship, and how much this once a month "me" time does for my nerves/peace of mind/atrophying creative muscles/sense of self, etc. I absolutely LOVE coming, and I plan to keep on coming for as long as you'll have us. - Heather Randles Ophir

"On Saturday, I ventured out to the hills of Marin and was instantly HOOKED by the technique of altered book collaging that Marilyn taught us. In the company of new friends and old, I was given the freedom (and abundant art supplies!) to nurture my inner muse with images, words and glittering stickers. Over the course of three hours I created some nine collages that helped me connect some of my aspirations to images, and gave words to feelings that I hold near…Marilyn offered a warm welcome to those of us who were new, and she offered advanced strategies and tools for returning artists. We enjoyed tasty treats and lots of permission to take risks, too! Being creative every day takes some serious intention and follow through, and I’m always looking for ways to keep myself motivated and engaged with “Rite Brain” practices...each page feels like a fresh and fully new depiction of the story I want to share about I am: being and becoming!" - Michelle Favreault,

"Not only was this a fun event, but an opportunity to delve into my creative self while enjoying the company of lovely people. I've already found opportunities for using my new vision book. How great!" - Kate Kandarian
"Attending Marilyn LoRusso's FUNitude Vision Book Workshop was one of the most fun and relaxing things I've done for myself in long time.With her infectious upbeat personality, not to mention serving as gracious hostess to a total of six women (myself included), we all sat for three hours laughing, chatting, munching, sipping tea and most of all, exercising our hidden (and not so hidden) creative talents using all the varied and plentiful materials that Ms. LoRusso provided. Very well organized and professional! I highly recommend that you sign up and register a friend, too! I plan on bringing my niece along with me next time." -Leslie Lakes
My 10 year old grandson, Evan,
enjoys helping me look through magazines
for images and words for Vision Book Art Workshops
Asia just about to write a testimony about Vision Art Workshops
after she watches a dog video on the iPad